Q: Do you still need volunteers?
A: We can always use good theatre ushers and help with membership drives. We may also need help with projects in other departments. For more information, see our Volunteer Calendar and Usher Availability Charts.
Q: What are the various festival departments?
A: Box Office, Corporate Relations, Guest Relations, Membership and Merchandise, Print Traffic, Publicity & Promotions, Operations & Staging, Special Events, and the Volunteer Office. Programming and Publications no longer require help at the present time. The Volunteer Office is responsible for coordinating theatre ushers.
Q: How do I pick up my vouchers for volunteer work that I've done during this year's festival?
A: If you've done work for the Box Office, Guest Relations, Print Traffic, Publicity & Promotions, Operations and Special Events, those department will compensate you with vouchers immediately following the end of your project.
Volunteers for all other departments should visit the SIFF Volunteer Office at Broadway Performance Hall 48 hours after the end of their project, in order to pick up vouchers. For instance, if you do work for Corporate Relations on a Monday, your vouchers will be available starting on Wednesday.
Q: What are the office hours for volunteer voucher pickup at the Volunteer Office?
A: Mondays through Fridays, 11:00am - 6:00pm. Saturdays, 11:00am - 5:00pm. Sundays, Noon - 5:00pm.
Q: Can vouchers be mailed?
A: No. Vouchers are like cash. Once they are lost, they cannot be replaced. So please pick them up in person.
Q: How do I use my vouchers?
A: See our 2004 Volunteer Voucher Policy for details.
Q: When do my vouchers for this year's festival expire?
A: One year after their issue. For example, vouchers earned during SIFF 2003 will expire after the end of this year's festival. Vouchers earned during this year's festival will expire after SIFF 2005.
Q: When is the deadline for picking up vouchers for work done during this year's festival?
A: 2004 vouchers are valid for redemption in 2005, but we can not retain credit for your work over the course of the year. You must pick up your vouchers by Friday, June 25, 2004 or you will forfeit your credit. See the 2004 Volunteer Voucher Policy for details.
Q: I didn't pick up my vouchers last year, can I get them now?
A: No. We want to reward people for the time they put in with film vouchers, but if you didn't pick them up last year by June 22, 2003, your volunteer work must be its own reward. [More info] See more about our philosophy in Volunteering 101.
Q: What does BPH stand for?
A: Broadway Performance Hall, one of SIFF's venues.
Q: What if I have to reschedule my Usher Shift?
A: Email us at siffusher@yahoo.com, or call the Volunteer Hotline at 320-1001.
Q: How do I sign up for an Usher shift?
A: First take a look at the Usher Availability Charts. Then email us at siffusher@yahoo.com, or call the Volunteer Hotline at 320-1001.